Category Archives: Branding

5 Smart Reasons Why Authors Should Hire a PR Coach Instead of a Publicist

Pam Perry  Publisher | Award-winning Social Media Marketing Strategist | Podcaster

Have you considered hiring a publicist but their fees are way out of your price range?

Do you need a publicist but you’ve heard the horror stories of “I paid my retainers and got nothing?”

Regardless of the fact that this may all be true, at some point people need to know about your business other than by word of mouth. Publicity has served and still today is the best avenue in getting the word out.

My company, Ministry Marketing Solutions, Inc., has done full service PR campaigns for the most well-known Christian publishers and authors in the nation from Bishop TD Jakes, Pastor Bill Winston, Taffi Dollar, Pastor Rudy Rasmus, the late Dr. Myles Monroe and Dr. Suzan Johnson Cook + more but we also teach and mentor authors to be their own publicist – to build their platform, brand their ministry.

In our program, we coach you step by step, exactly how to do your own publicity and branding just like the pros. You actually become the publicist for your book and build your “brand” to get media hits and speaking gigs.


Let’s check out these 5 reasons why you may want to consider

The Branding Accelerator Program:

#1 – Cost This is the number one reason many authors have turned to PR & Brand Building coaching. The usual fees for a publicist range from $2,500-$5,000+ a month, depending on the publicist and the number of hours required to publicize the business or ministry.

#2 – Customized Plan When you work with a PR coach, your publicity plan is customized just for your book/ministry/business, not some template. We give feed back!

#3 – Media Savvy You will learn everything there is to know about the various forms of media and how to get your business or ministry noticed by them. We give you real media contacts and show you how to find your own too. (Unheard of in the industry).

#4 – Online Tips and Tricks You will learn how to leverage twitter, pinterest, facebook, instagram, youtube, blogs, linkedin and more to build your brand and sell more books. Create online relationships that turn into customers and ministry partners. Learning these free online marketing tools will save you thousands of dollars.

#5 – Platform Building In today’s society there is more than just publicity. You can get leads online via social media marketing, speaking, traditional media…we give you a strategy using all three – easily. It’s all about strategy and having the right resources and vendors. That’s what we teach and give to pull it all together.

So as you see, hiring a PR Coach is a great alternative to hiring a publicist or a public relations firm.

For more info go to:

to see what others have said about the program’s results!

It is a self-paced program so you don’t have worry if you can’t make the exact date/times – you set your own schedule. The webinars are recorded and delivered to you via a private portal and you have lifetime access! You get the PR Power Pack workbook, templates, resources, real life examples, guest experts from the media industry, and checklists plus worksheets.

How simple is that!?

Pam Perry,

Ministry Marketing Solutions, Inc. – Publisher of Speakers Magazine


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Filed under Branding

12 Steps to Building a Powerful Brand Image

Recommend Article

Expert Author Pam Perry

Building Blocks for A Solid Corporate ID Kit

1. Design a simple logo that attracts attention. Keeping it simple keeps it easy to produce and easy for branding. A good trick is to fax it to yourself and see how it shows up. If it’s confusing over a fax, it’s not a good logo.

2. Create a tag line that encapsulates your brand. Make it succinct and “catchy” so people can remember it. Make your tagline inviting without it sounding too “cutesy.”

3. Choose your brand colors as a reflection of the personality you want to project. Know that you will live with these colors forever. Put thought into why you’re choosing specific colors. Keep the same color-scheme in everything you do.

4. Hire a professional graphic designer to produce your corporate ID kit. That kit includes business cards, letterhead, envelopes, labels, and web site (even if it is just a contact page). Visit something like GoDaddy to buy the URL that will be your web site address. This investment is under $10 per year.

5. Get several professional headshot photos to use in ads, blogs, program books and other media. Image is everything. Investing in a professional photo shoot is the foundation of many graphic items that you will use over and over again.

6. Put your best foot forward on your business cards. This says plenty about you before you even open your mouth. Invest in good, heavy paperstock, Use both sides of the card. Consider putting your “tag line” on the back.

7. Print brochures in mass to send to those that ask for more information when considering you as a guest speaker or to hire you. People want information they can touch, feel, and walk away with to read later, even though you have a website containing all that information. Invest in a simple yet high-quality piece for multiple uses.

8. Design CD or DVD labels to match your corporate ID kit or book. Make sure your web site, social media tags and phone number are on everything that goes out. Yes, that means everything!

9. Order a standard podium cover to match your corporate ID for special meetings in venues like hotels where their name is displayed. Show your own “brand” not the hotel’s. Have people in your audience stare at your name not a hotel’s name.

10. Invest in the special touches that make you stand out in a crowd at places like tradeshows, conference exhibit halls, and conventions. Order items like table cloths, acrylic holders, portable exhibits, retractable floor banners, tabletop displays for your book and tape table.

11. Order premiums that promote your brand or book. These are small details that set you apart from the pack. Get bulks items such as ink pens, bookmarks, magnets, post-it notes, notepads, or mints, to distribute at special meetings or at your book/tape table when you travel.

12. Have postcards or note cards printed to send to media after interviews or to personally keep in touch with select people and prospects. Have the postcards or note cards match your business card in style, prompting brand recognition in the mind of the receiver.

Ministry marketing pioneer, Award-winning social media strategist and PR Coach Pam Perry helps African American Christian authors garner publicity and leverage online strategies. As a 20-year PR veteran, she is also the co-author of “Synergy Energy: How to Use the Power of Partnerships to Market Your Book, Grow Your Business and Brand Your Ministry.” For a free MP3 of “What Every Author Should Know,” go to She offers help through her private mentorship program at

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Fit, Fine & Fabulous Author Laureen Wishom


About the Book

• Do you need to make changes in your career, business or life?
• Would you like to become a better leader, build a solid brand, reach new markets, uplevel your career and “stand out” from the competition?
• Would you like to have blueprints, assessments and step-by-step formulas to achieve a true breakthrough and take it to a whole new level?

Fit, Fine & Fabulous in Career, Business & Life is a fresh approach on the process for attaining a fantastic professional career, rapid business growth, a healthy lifestyle and a richly textured life by your own design.

Learn how the method to Re-Imagine, Re-Invent and Re-Emerge can take you from just being average to becoming great, from functioning in an ordinary way to being perceived as extraordinary and from always performing at “meets expectations” to mastering stellar performance.

Gain knowledge on how those small daily choices can renew your life, help you find your personal inspiration, provide opportunities to rediscover your motivation and support you in realizing your ultimate potential.

You will discover how to:
• Stay motivated, focused and balanced.
• Take daily action that creates a life-altering ripple effect.
• Set intentions and stick with them.
• Celebrate your “who” (uniqueness) and “why” (purpose).
• Make those radical decisions to change every area of your life.

Book Review by Linda Fegins

Wow! I just completed a mind renewing get fit coaching exercise with the dynamic Dr. Laureen Wishom, author of Fit, Fine & Fabulous in Career, Business and Life. Well, I am exaggerating. After reading Fit , Fine & Fabulous I felt that Dr Laureen was my personal coach challenging me , yet giving me an extra boost of motivation and inspiration, to first get the right mindset and attitude, to enable me to develop the right plan that will empower me to “Take It to a Whole New Level” for an extraordinary me.

The book provides a wealth of information and is rich in relevant, strategic and practical exercises, with realistic instructions, that will help you to Re-Imagine, Re-Invent and Re-Emerge the person you desire to be at whatever stage in life you are. What is important is that Dr. Laureen, in detail, walks you through the steps of “How” to revamp your life to become fit, fine and fabulous in your career, business and life. She has created a straightforward, easy to read book that you can refer to over and over again. This is no dry collection of tips book. It is engaging, inspirational and elevating. Dr. Laureen has shared her wisdom and experience and created a gem. Read Dr. Laureen’s Interview Response below.

Now, I must really sit down and do those exercises.

About Dr. Laureen Dr-Laureen_new

Dr. Laureen Wishom is an award-winning Growth * Success * Acceleration Expert, Author and Public Speaker, hailed as a ‘Million Dollar Solutionist’. She is fast becoming the voice for high-achieving women entrepreneurs, executives, non-profit leaders and career professionals who want to ‘Get on Their Dime’, ‘Claim Their Exclusive Space’ and Take It to a Whole “NEW” Level(TM).

She provides ‘extreme coaching’ to her clients on: 1) Brand Positioning, 2) Marketplace Visibility, 3) Business Growth, 4) Career Success, and 5) Revenue Acceleration. She consistently provides ‘customized’ masterful solutions that produce measurable results.

She differentiates herself by doing different things, by doing things differently, by providing quality, experience and measurable solutions. She believes that mastering Growth, achieving Success and living in strategic Acceleration(TM) is part of success simplified.

She is described as an icon, a one-of-a-kind ‘sage archetype’ who truly inspires when it comes to being fit, fine and fabulous in career, business and life.

dr laureen get-attachment.aspx

Interview Responses of the Dynamic Dr. Laureen

What would you like readers to take away from your book?
Never give up
Never back down
Never lose the faith

What inspired you to write this book?
I wanted to inspire high-achieving women to step into their own fit, fine fablous in their career, business and life.

What is your favorite chapter from the book and why?
Chapter Three: Taking It to a Whole New Level The Mindset
It’s the chapter that defines how to develop a ‘whole new level’ not ‘next level’ mindset which is the cornerstone for long-term success and work/life balance.

Oprah always asks, What do you know for sure?
Your mindset drives your actions, your actions dictate your results, and your results lead to your success.

What did you learn while writing this book?
I have been given dreams several sizes too big so that I would have time to learn and then grow into them. Writing this book and experiencing this awesome journey of “getting on my dime” and “Taking It to a Whole New Level” ,has truly been the experience of a lifetime. It was one of those dreams that was several sizes too big when I started writing the book, but now… it is the stepping-stone to the next “whole new level” dream that is now several sizes too big.

What is something readers would be surprised you do?
I volunteer at a food pantry, I am a hospice volunteer and Chaplain and making radical decisions has been the key to my success

Can you give us one do and one don’t’ for those aspiring to be a writer?
Do develop an outline and don’t rush the process.

How can writers get in contact with you?

How do you find time to connect with God?
By making Him the major factor, major source and CEO of my career, business and life.

Have a Fit, Fine & Fabulous Day!
Amazon Best Sellers #13 in Kindle eBooks (Business/Investing/Etiquette) #19 in Books (Business/Investing/Biz Life/Etiquette)

2013 Amazon Best Seller Author
2011-2012 Trademark Who’s Who
2010 Houston’s 50 Most Influential Women Award
2010 NAWBO Houston’s Woman Business Owner of the Year Finalist Award
2009 Texas Blazing Star Finalist Award
2008 Top 25 Influential Women of Houston Award
2008 YMCA of Greater Houston Minority Achievers Award
2007 Stevie Award Winner (Mentor of the Year)
2007 Pinnacle Business Finalist Award

Phone: 281.584.0348 Cell: 281.507.1919

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