Category Archives: Women’s History Month

Celebrate Women Who Inspire You!

Celebrate Women’s National Women’s History Month – Celebrate women trailblazers in business, the marketplace, civil rights and rebels in law- who have left us a rich legacy of courage, faith, perseverance and wisdom.
Celebrate the great women entrepreneurs, market place influencers or world change agents.

Celebrate the women you admire from afar and near and just “see them”; or just those who have blessed your life, sown time, love, wisdom and support in your life; or the woman you admire because she models the message of Christ because of their fruitful spirit and are Doers of the Word. You admire the way she manages her household, raises her children and takes care of her family and still does what she does; or the woman who is unassuming, but is there when you need her , you can trust her and she can step in at a moment’s notice.Celebrate Your Sister Women Girls who do great things and bless you.

Take Action. 1.Pray for them. 2.Let them know what you appreciate about them. 3. Ask what can you do for them.

Pray for families, children,women and against human trafficking(modern slavery) . Pray that women will be honored in their unique, God created glory;that every kind of injustice toward women will cease; for pornography to be stopped; for protection from sexual violence;that hope be renewed for the beauty of marriage and children;that single women will lay hold of God’s full purpose in their lives.( from Seek God for the City)

Linda Fegins,


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Filed under Women's History Month

Women History Makers in Your Life: Celebrate!

[Picture: Black Actresses & Cast from “Black Panther”]

Women History Month -Celebrate the great women entrepreneurs and market place influencers or world change agents in your life or those you admire from afar and near and just “see them”; or just those who have blessed your life, sown time, love, wisdom and support in your life; or the woman you admire because she models the message of Christ because of their fruitful spirit and are Doers of the Word. You admire the way she manages her household, raises her children and takes care of her family and still does what she does; or the woman who is unassuming, but is there when you need her , you can trust her and she can step in at a moment’s notice.
Take Action:

1. Pray for them. Pray that women will be honored in their unique, God created glory; that every kind of injustice toward women will cease .

2. Let them know what you appreciate about them.

3. Ask what can you do for them.

#BLACKWomen have come a long way. They have made and continue to make  their  presence, power and  skill evident in the marketplace, community, ministry and workplace. They are shattering stereotypes and glass ceilings and are thought leaders, CEO’s ,  change agents and influencers. They do not let others limit them.  They make good lemonade out of lemons, collaborate and make their own way.   Sarah Breedlove “Madam C. J. Walker, the first self made  woman millionaire, not just  the first black woman millionaire , had these wise words to say:
-“I got my start by giving myself a start”.
-“I had to make my own living and my own opportunity. But I made it! Don’t sit down and wait for the opportunities to come. Get up and make them”.

Indeed many unsung women  have  taken her  lead and  have made their own paths to success, fulfillment and service to others.  Celebrate them!

Linda Fegins, “The Prayer Leader” and  Law and Appeals.

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