Tag Archives: Wake Up America

Wake Up Everbody! Wake Up America!

wake up americaindexWake Up  Everybody! Do you see what is happening to our children and communities. Wake Up America!  ! So much is going on in our nation – vicious blatant racism, attack on God’s Word and Way, personal and corporate financial distress, hatred, violence, leadership that lacks integrity and truth, ISIS, war , human trafficking and more.

The lyrics of the song “Wake Up Everybody”, sung by now deceased artist Teddy Pendergrass which described the issues facing people in this world, are so relevant and realistic for today . Part of the lyrics state:

Wake up everybody no more sleepin’ in bed
No more backward thinkin’ time for thinkin’ ahead
The world has changed so very much
From what it used to be
There is so much hatred war an’ poverty

The world won’t get no better if we just let it be
The world won’t get no better we gotta change it yeah, just you and me

True, the world will not get any better unless we, you and me, pray and cry out to the Lord in fervent prayer, with a repentant heart, to heal the land. Once we soak in prayer, get our instructions from the Lord, then we must also “Do”— take action to make a difference.

Let’s join in corporate prayer on May 5th, 2016, which is National Day of Prayer. Throughout the day pray from where ever you are—home, work, school etc. Join in corporate prayer where  prayer is taking place all over the country.

This year’s 2016 theme: Wake Up America. Scripture: Isaiah 58:1a “Shout it aloud, do not hold back. Raise your voice like a trumpet” The national theme, Wake Up America, emphasizes the need for individuals, corporately and individually, to return to the God of Fathers in reverence for His Holy Name.

National 2016 group handsimages

Join with the nation of Believers to emphasize prayer for America and its leadership in the seven centers of power: Government, Military, Media, Business, Education, Church and Family.



For the May 5th observances, Dr. Tony Evans, is the 2016 Honorary Chairman. Millions of people will gather to pray at thousands of events around the nation. Gather your friends and family members together in prayer. We have an opportunity to see the Lord’s healing and renewing power made manifest as we call on YOU and all citizens to humbly come before His throne.

The apostle Paul urged that “requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone…that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. (I Timothy 2:1-3). It is time for us to pray as a nation corporately and individually. In this turbulent time of open racism, rumors of wars and aggression, and troubled communities and cites we need to go before the Lord to seek through prayer, “peaceful and quiet lives” – for ourselves, our families, our neighbors and friends and our nation.

Continue to pray for our nation as the “prayers of righteous persons are powerful and effective”. James 5:16. The sovereign Lord listens to our cries, waits to intervene on our behalf and to deliver and transform the ills of our nation. (See e.g. Zephaniah 3:17).  There is a need for faithful, preserving intercession for our leaders, government, families, education system, the legal system, churches, the armed forces and the media. Our prayers will impact generations to come if we continue to seek the Lord’s guidance and protection and be obedient to His Word.


Linda Fegins, The Prayer Leader , May 2016

Tags: Dr. Tony Evans, National Day of Prayer 2016, Teddy Pendergrass, wake up America


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